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Exclusive premiere of Milana May - Relationship - featuring special interview devoted to St. Valentines Day

Dear friends, DJANEMAG wants to congratulate you with St. Valentine's Day and wishes you huge love! We want to introduce you Milana May - an unconventional singer-songwriter/producer from New York city, (originally from Siberia, Russia). Described as “The Siberian Icebreaker” she broke through all resistance, limitations and old programming and gave birth to her own current innovative sound that blends different kinds of dance music music with a shamanic, mystical, raw, lore vibe. Likewise, her lyrics are multilayered, melding the lifestyle concerns of a hip, young, urban New Yorker with the esoteric symbolism of folk mythologies.

Today welcome a premiere of a new Milana May release "Relationship" exclusively for - a real precious gift on St. Valentine's Day! We think it is very symbolic for this special day. Milana not only provided us with the opportunity to share with the world this wonderful news, but also answered our questions about love and music. Check it out below, all exclusive with DJANEMAG!

First love, then music) 

DJANEMAG: What does love mean to you? Can you describe this feeling? 

Milana May: Love is full acceptance. Acceptance of joy and sadness, acceptance of pleasure and pain, acceptance of black and white, light and darkness… It’s the expanded consciousness state and oneness with all.

Not to mix it up with “Relationship” (romantic) love which is more desire-based. In “Relationship” we constantly getting feedback from each other and constantly evaluating weather we being appreciated enough and weather the partnership is equal and acceptable for us. That is why “Relationship” is not a destination – it’s just a beginning of the journey…

DJANEMAG: Today, is Valentine's Day! At the moment, there are a lot of negative thoughts concerning this holiday, that it is more commercial than soulful. They say, that it was invented by sellers of flowers, chocolates and cards. How do you feel about this holiday? Do you celebrate it and how? Are there any special interesting traditions and rituals? 

Milana May: DJANEMAG, great! I love any questions that mention words like “traditions” and “rituals”.

Well, it really doesn’t matter who invented Valentine’s Day and for what reason. We live in a relatively free society world where anyone can create whatever they like anytime they wish to. What truly matters is what this day means to you, my friend, and what intention you place behind it.

As you are reading this it would be very rewarding for you if you spent a moment honoring true LOVE within you. Not the definition of love, or outer sources that represent love, or sweets that feel like love etc. But the true feeling when you were peaceful and kind towards yourself, when you gave generously and appreciated all beings around you even if they weren’t perfect. When you enjoyed simple things like looking at a beautiful landscape, being around nature.

Close your eyes and think of a time in the past when you forgave yourself for making a mistake or when you’ve forgiven a friend, or when someone forgave you. As you visualize that moment in time feel the feeling of openness in your heart. Just spend a few moments being in that space. And before you open your eyes, please, set intention for this day to be kind and forgiving to others and to yourself. Make it a tradition to do this often. That would be your little secret ritual not just for Valentine’s Day but for any day when you want to feel happy and appreciated by others.

 Remember, how you treat yourself is how others will treat you. Every time you forgive yourself and open your heart you will notice others coming towards you with a helping hand.

The way I feel about this holiday is just like I feel about any other day. I am grateful and humble. I do my best each day to be the better version of me as I keep my heart open. I lead courageously into the unknown. I celebrate each day by acknowledging my growth and progress in small and big ways.

DJANEMAG: Your new release called "Relationship". What is the guarantee of successful and a strong relationship between man and woman?

Milana May: Hehehehe your special guest “Relationship” expert Dr. May:

  • Clarity of direction. Common purpose in life
  • Communication. Talking about things that don’t feel good to talk about
  • Clarity of roles. Masculine-Feminine energy balance
  • SHOWING UP. Always showing up. The opposite of escaping… into alcohol, video games, drugs, parties, smoking, work etc

DJANEMAG: What was the best gift you have received on this date and what was the most strange and ridiculous one? 

Milana May: Lol. Made me laugh. The best gift was a tantric retreat. How do you like that for the first date? Actually that was our last. I really enjoyed it.

The most strange and ridiculous one was last year which I do not dare to talk about on paper…

Let's talk about music!

DJANEMAG: Studying your biography, it is difficult not to notice that you are very strong and purposeful person. Give some advice to young girls who are just starting their careers. How to succeed and not to give up ?! 

Milana May: Success is a measurement of how good you feel about yourself, my friend. Do you feel that you are good enough? Do you value yourself even if someone around you can’t? Do you go inward often to acknowledge your fears and face them courageously? Do you dedicate your life to service? Do you spend time to find out more about your ancestors and where you come from?

Ponder these things, my friend, before you leave this page.

When your answer is “yes” to all of these questions know that you are already successful internally and the time will bring you all the things that you desire. Just stay patient and keep doing what you are doing.

If you answered “no” to some of these questions ask the universe for new ways of how you can improve in those areas. When information comes to you stay open and follow the signs.

DJANEMAG: What is the source of your inspiration when you create music? 

Milana May: The source of my music is the higher Source itself.

DJANEMAG: We need to devote time and attract attention to your new release "Relationship". Tell us the story of it's creation, whom belongs the idea of ​​creating a video? 

Milana May: I was leaving my ex. As banal as it sounds after all that deep talk we just had….

For some relationships Valentine's Day becomes their first date, for some - their last... I was writing about moving forward. In life.

If you notice my first release was called “Joy”. It charted at TOP 100 beatport for several weeks and it was telling a story about the inspired, fun and happy feeling that I was getting in the beginning of our Relationship. Then I released “Crazy Boy” which got to TOP 10 Indie charts, I was talking about the difficulties each relationship faces at a certain point. My relationship wasn’t an exception. It was the time to show up and unfortunately we chose to not do it this time. That’s when I wrote “All I want is way out, from this sad relationship…” and by all means Valentine's Day was our last date. He disappeared and I never seen him again...

As for the video concept I worked with my genius team of visual artists to portray the vast volume of Milana May Movement in a creative way. I appreciate K. Celestine and 351 STUDIO for the ability to take my vision and cleverly put it into the imagery that we prepared for you, my friend.

Watch it now! Mysterious and bright video clip "Relationship"  by Milana May and feel the power of music and love on!